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Skills Proficiency Renewals

The Louisiana Tech Workshop offers its attendees the opportunity to do Skills Proficiency Renewals.  Each of the weapon disciplines recognized by the Society of American Fight Directors for must be renewed every 3 years to keep a current status. There is NO TIME LIMITATION for students who have passed their Skills Proficiency Test to renew (so even if you have waited more than three years, you may still take a renewal rather than repeating the entire SPT process).  And if you haven't fought for a while, the Workshop is a great opportunity to take some brush-up classes before you try to renew.


Some things you should know:

1.  There is an additional fee associated with taking an SPR.  This fee is required by the Society of American Fight Directors; it is not dictated by this workshop and is therefore not something you can negotiate with our workshop staff.

2.  Students wishing to renew with the potential for Recommended Pass must perform a scene with their choreography.

3. The renewal process will take up at least two class periods, with scenes being performed at the end of the final class period on day two.


For more information about skills proficiency testing or renewal please visit the Society of American Fight Directors Homepage.


If you are interested in renewing at the Louisiana Tech Workshop please use the contact us page to let the coordinator know.

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